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Alexander Chubykin

Principle Investigator

Alex Chubykin is an Associate Professor at Purdue University. He completed his PhD with Nobel Laureate Thomas C. Südhof at The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas investigating synapse formation in mouse models of Autism. He did postdoctoral work at MIT with Mark F. Bear looking at perception of time in the visual cortex of mice.

Current Graduate Students/Staffs

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Michael Zimmermann

I aim to understand the role of evoked theta oscillations, and their impairment in autism spectrum disorders, between the cortex and hippocampus during the process of learning and memory using Neuropixels silicone probes and behavior studies.

Xi Cheng

I use Channelrhodopsin Assisted Circuit Mapping (CRACM) in order to measure the connectivity of V1 in mouse models of disease using in vitro coronal brain slices from mouse models of diseases. 

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Kevin Cragg

I focus on understanding the basis, representation, and formation processes of learning and memory within the primary visual cortex using silicon electrophysiology probes and single/two-photon calcium imaging.

Sanghamitra Nareddula
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Mowen Yin

I'm interested in using neuropixel probe recording electrophysiological signals to study the reward prediction theory of dopamine.


I aim to apply machine learning techniques to solve problems in computational neuroscience, particularly in treating and diagnosing neurological diseases.

Violet Saldarriaga

Quiyu "Rachel" Wu, PhD. 


Samuel  Kissenger, PhD

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Yu Tang, PhD
Mang Gao, PhD

Carlay LaTour,

PhD Student


Mia Fehlinger

​Matthew Andrew Krutul

Jenna Barry

Sein Kim

Xinwan Hu


Former Undergraduates

Renee Towers

Catherine Gervais

Rachel Lehman

Adriana Rotger

Rylan Moffitt

Rachel Rudnicki

Caroline Powell

Paige Edens

Lab Photos

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Interested in joining the lab?

Joining the lab

         Please send an email directly to Alex with a cover letter describing your previous accomplishments and technical experience, and why you are interested in joining the Chubykin Lab and what you can bring to the lab.  Please enclose your CV and the names, emails and phone numbers of three references.


Post Docs

Research Technician 

       If you are looking for a position as a technician or research assistant, please email Alex with your CV describing your previous lab experience and skill set, your career goals and your potential employment timeline. 

Graduate Student

        If you are looking for a graduate student position in the Chubykin lab, you first need to apply to the graduate program at the Department of Biological Sciences, Purdue University.

       If you are already a Purdue graduate student looking for a lab, email Alex to set up a meeting. We are always interested in enthusiastic rotation students.

Undergraduate Student

        If you are currently an Purdue student with an interest in a research opportunity, please email Alex with your previous experience and coursework and how much time you are willing to spend in the lab. The minimum required commitment for an undergraduate student is two semesters. 

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